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কোনা জাল (মশারি জাল), কারেন্ট জাল, কড়া জাল, বিভিন্ন ধরনের চাই প্রভৃতি ব্যবহার, মাছের আবাসস্থলে বা চলাচল ও প্রজননের স্থলে স্থায়ী বা অস্থায়ী বাঁধ বা স্থাপনা তৈরি করে, উন্মুক্ত জলাশয়ে বিষ প্রয়োগ করে অথবা বৈদ্যুতিক শক দিয়ে মৎস্য আহরণ করলে, ডিম ওয়ালা মাছ ধরলে, মাছের পোনা ধরলে জরিমানা আদায় ও আইনানুগ শাস্তি প্রদান করা হবে। মৎস্য সংরক্ষন আইন-১৯৫০ সম্পর্কে জানুন, মেনে চলুন এবং অন্যকেও জানান ও হাওর, খাল-বিল, নদী তথা উন্মুক্ত জলাশয়ে দেশীয় প্রজাতির মাছ বৃদ্ধি করুন। মৎস্য অধিদপ্তর, সুনামগঞ্জ

মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
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Things to do in flood fishing

Things to do in flood fishing

Fishermen and entrepreneurs should do before floods:

Choose a flood-free area when digging a new pond or reservoir.

Before releasing the fish, properly repair the bank as well as tie the bank high.

If there are rat holes on the bank, close them well.

Build ponds or reservoirs or surround them with nets.

Arrange to sell relatively large fish.

Move small fish from ponds that may be flooded to safer water.

Raise chicks for post-flood stocking or contact chick producers.

Maintain constant contact with the nearest Fisheries Office Officer/Employee and the local Fisheries Extension Representative (LEF).

What Fishermen and Entrepreneurs Should Do During Floods:

Move fish from flooded ponds to safe water.

Tie the brim high and tight if possible.

Quickly surround the four sides of the pond or reservoir with nets or nets.

Make a shelter for fish with bushes in the corners and in the middle of the pond or reservoir.

Place fish-attracting foods (snails, worms, earthworms, etc.) in ponds or reservoirs.

Owners of ponds or reservoirs inundated by flood water in the same area are society-based or jointly netted or

You can take the initiative to protect and cultivate fish by fencing it.

Apply oxygen enhancers if fish in flooded ponds show signs of feeding.

What fishermen and entrepreneurs should do after floods:

Repair or renovate quickly if pond or reservoir banks break.

Percent per cent if floodwater recedes in ponds that have entered but not completely flooded

Apply 250-300 grams of lime and 100-200 grams of salt twice every 15 days.

Apply lime at the rate of 1 kg per percent for re-seeding stock as flood water recedes.

Stock large (4-6/kg) carp fingerlings of good quality at 15-20 per cent.

Consume a balanced fish diet regularly and in moderation.

Monitor the pond water and fish regularly.

If fish (non-cultivable) floated in with flood water enter the pond, catch them frequently with nets.

Adopt package based technology in liaison with local fisheries department for fish farming.

In large flooded areas, if water lasts for 3-4 months, initiate fish farming in pens or cages.

Keep in constant contact with the local fisheries office in case of fish disease in flooded ponds.

Comply with Fisheries Laws

Stop the use of current nets/quick nets/corner nets/laying horizontally and discourage others from using them. Use, transportation, possession/possession of current net shall be punished with rigorous imprisonment for 1-2 years or with fine of Rs.5000 or with both.

It is a punishable offense to catch carp below 9 inches, Boal (Halicopter catfish), Eyre (Long-whiskered Catfish), Ceylon (Silond catfish) and Pangas (Yellowtail catfish ) fry below 12 inches from rivers, canals, canal banks and floodplains. Violation of Fisheries Act will be punishable with rigorous imprisonment of 1-2 years or a fine of 5000 taka or both.

Department of Fisheries, Sunamganj
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